diving beetle造句

"diving beetle"是什么意思   


  1. Taxonomic revision of the Holarctic diving beetle genus " Acilius"
  2. A classic example occurs in diving beetles, family Dytiscidae.
  3. In diving beetle species family Dytiscidae, an intersexual arms race occurs between males and females.
  4. Diving beetles, such as the Dytiscidae, carry a bubble of air with them when they dive.
  5. Like predaceous diving beetles ( Dytiscidae ), the crawling water beetles form an early offshoot of the Adephaga.
  6. It's difficult to find diving beetle in a sentence. 用diving beetle造句挺难的
  7. Their larvae, like those of predaceous diving beetles, do not possess eggshell-bursters on the head.
  8. Their predators include great diving beetle larvae ( when in tadpole form ), snakes, skunks, and larger frogs.
  9. In diving beetles " Dytiscidae ", males approach females in the water with a grasping mechanism before copulation.
  10. Tadpoles are highly vulnerable to being eaten by fish, newts, predatory diving beetles, and birds, such as kingfishers.
  11. Many females try to vigorously shake off males to dislodge them and flee; this is seen in females sepsid flies and diving beetles.
  12. ""'Agabus adustus " "'is a species of predatory diving beetle belonging to the family Dytiscidae.
  13. ""'Agabus aequalis " "'is a species of predatory diving beetle belonging to the family Dytiscidae.
  14. ""'Agabus aeruginosus " "'is a species of predatory diving beetle belonging to the family Dytiscidae.
  15. ""'Agabus africanus " "'is a species of predatory diving beetle belonging to the family Dytiscidae.
  16. Afterwards, the path goes down a crevasse with a wall embedded with vivaria for dung beetles and diving beetles, among other aquatic insects.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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